[tw] Exporting a list of tiddlers
Patrick Pfeifer
2015-04-06 13:43:17 UTC
I would like to export a list of tiddlers with a specific tag to a new
wiki. How could I do that?

The reason why I am asking / my use case is the following: I have a wiki
running on node.js on a personal web server. While travelling I can not
access that server, so before I leave, I save a copy of that wiki to a
local file and then make modifications there. Once I can connect to the
server again, I would like to "merge" the mods that I made while
travelling. Ideally, I could just drag and drop the html file (wiki) into
the node.js hosted wiki page and click ok. However, when I do that, I get a
_huge_ list of tiddlers "ready for import". But I have edited only one or
to and do not want to import all the others. (Maybe in the meantime I might
have made some edits on the server wiki ss well and I do not want them to
be overwriten. So I really want to define the list of tiddlers to import
from the offline copy myself, buth I do not want to manually untick all of
those without modifications in that huge list. Thus the simplest thing
would be to tag and export those that I _do_ want to merge and then import
that whole list (new wiki) into the server wiki. But now now to export that
list of tagged tiddlers??? I see lots of suggestions on
http://tiddlywiki.org/#Export, but that all seems to be applicable to the
legacy / classic version of TiddlyWiki. Is there an export plugin for
TiddlyWiki 5? Or yould t^it be done from the command line with node.js ?

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Eric Shulman
2015-04-06 19:33:47 UTC
Post by Patrick Pfeifer
I would like to export a list of tiddlers with a specific tag to a new
wiki. How could I do that?
1) Go to the $:/AdvancedSearch tiddler (click the magnifying glass next to
the search input in the sidebar)
2) Open the "filter" tab
3) Enter a filter that selects the tiddlers you want, for example:
(assuming you tagged the changed tiddlers with "exportThis"), or perhaps
(where N is the number of tiddlers you want to export... i.e., "the N
most recently changed tiddlers")

4) After the search results are shown, notice the "export" button next to
the search input field (the button looks like an open-topped box with an
arrow pointing up).
5) When you click it, you will get a dropdown of choices for the export
format. Choose "JSON tiddlers file" to create and save a "tiddlers.json"
file to your local filesystem.
6) Drag the tiddlers.json file into your TW5 document to import the


Eric Shulman
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Patrick Pfeifer
2015-04-07 17:21:04 UTC
Hello Eric

Woa ... _that_ simple !?? :-D ... great!!! Thanks a ton! I will put a link
to your detailed instructions on my blog (not yet live...)!


PS: In the meanwhile I already ran and implemented "c pa"'s solution
which also works but is a lot more complicated - but quiet fun, if you have
an inclination for programming and some time at hand.
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Danielo Rodríguez
2015-04-08 17:09:14 UTC
Hello Patrick,

If you are interested I wrote a plugin some time ago that helps with this kind of scenarios. Basically it allows you to batch select only those tiddlers that have been modified while importing.
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Felix Küppers
2015-04-08 17:12:35 UTC
Hi Danielo,

I am interested, could you provide a link? Thanks

Post by Danielo Rodríguez
Hello Patrick,
If you are interested I wrote a plugin some time ago that helps with this kind of scenarios. Basically it allows you to batch select only those tiddlers that have been modified while importing.
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Danielo Rodríguez
2015-04-08 17:53:01 UTC
Post by Felix Küppers
Hi Danielo,
I am interested, could you provide a link? Thanks
Not very polised but here is it:

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Zaphod Beeblebrox
2016-06-30 04:06:01 UTC
Following this line of discussion/thinking, I have another situation:

I would like to make a TW available for download by folks, and then send
out 'updates' in the form of new tiddlers bundled in a .json file that they
can simply drag & drop into their TW.

I followed some instructions found here (can't find the post to link to at
*For those who are unaware of the standard method – this is my usual
procedure:1. Tag each of the tiddlers you wish to export with the tag
'Export' 2. Open the Filter tab of Advanced Search 3. Enter the filter
expression '[tag[Export]]' (this should list the tiddlers you wish to
export) 4. Click the little 'Export tiddlers' button next to the filter
search box 5. Select 'JSON File' 6. Enter the name of your file, and save
7. Drag the saved file onto your other wiki 8. Import the tiddlers 9. If
any of the tiddlers contained plugins, save and refresh*
This method works great, but when those tiddlers are subsequently imported
into the users' TW, the "Export" tag remains and I'd rather not have that

Isn't there a way (a macro, maybe?) that would enable you to see a list of
all the tiddlers in your TW and pick and choose the one(s) to export by
simply clicking a checkbox next to their title?

And, as a secondary question/problem I have, could I force the
newly-imported tiddlers to open in an expanded position immediately after
importation into the users' TW?
(I'm assuming there's no possibility of overwriting the *Default tiddlers*
section of the users' Control Panel, so that those newly imported tiddlers
would be the first thing seen upon a reload?)

Thank You in advance for any help :)

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2016-06-30 14:00:32 UTC

You can just use a list of tiddlers without a tag eg: HelloThere Learning
If you use this string, you don't need tags to list them. ... It's more
work, but would be a work around for the beginning.

The other possibility would be to modify the export button a bit. .... I'll
need to do some tests :)

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Zaphod Beeblebrox
2016-06-30 22:59:28 UTC
Thank You so much, Mario - That solution does indeed do the trick :)

It is a bit cumbersome, but I don't mind - I can simply copy & paste the
titles into a text file (or dummy tiddler) as I create each tiddler, then
format and copy the whole statement into the Advanced Search box when ready
to export my 'update' :)

The titles of the tiddlers (in my case) need to be enclosed in single
quotes, as nearly all of them will include spaces (most will be movie
titles, eg: 'Treasure Island (1972-G)' but that's a piddling thing.

Post by PMario
You can just use a list of tiddlers without a tag eg: HelloThere Learning
If you use this string, you don't need tags to list them. ... It's more
work, but would be a work around for the beginning.
The other possibility would be to modify the export button a bit. ....
I'll need to do some tests :)
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2016-07-03 00:29:06 UTC
Post by Zaphod Beeblebrox
Thank You so much, Mario - That solution does indeed do the trick :)
It is a bit cumbersome, but I don't mind - I can simply copy & paste the
titles into a text file (or dummy tiddler) as I create each tiddler, then
format and copy the whole statement into the Advanced Search box when ready
to export my 'update' :)
The titles of the tiddlers (in my case) need to be enclosed in single
quotes, as nearly all of them will include spaces (most will be movie
titles, eg: 'Treasure Island (1972-G)' but that's a piddling thing.
use this: [['Treasure Island (1972-G)']]



I did have a closer look. ... A generic solution is a bit more complicated,
as I thought.

It would be possible to change the jsontiddlers.js macro, but we would need
to find a way to "temporarily" mark tiddlers for export, in a *nice and
generic way*.
But I don't have an easy to implement idea atm. .. There may be a
mechanism, that is similar to the import dialog, but for export. ...

Just as an info: responsible tiddlers:

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Zaphod Beeblebrox
2016-07-03 01:35:07 UTC
Thank You for taking the time to investigate further :)

Your aforementioned solution will be more than satisfactory for my needs
until such time as Jeremy or one of the other "Guru's" comes along and
makes a ridiculously simple fix for the problem.

I took a cursory look at the javascript you linked to, but really can't do
anything with it. I can handle (most) HTML, (some) CSS, but anything
higher than that and I'm just a script-kiddie, making niggling changes here
and there.

I'm off now to tackle yet another problem: Flexbox divs in TiddlyWiki!
(wish me luck :-P )

Post by PMario
Post by Zaphod Beeblebrox
Thank You so much, Mario - That solution does indeed do the trick :)
It is a bit cumbersome, but I don't mind - I can simply copy & paste the
titles into a text file (or dummy tiddler) as I create each tiddler, then
format and copy the whole statement into the Advanced Search box when ready
to export my 'update' :)
The titles of the tiddlers (in my case) need to be enclosed in single
quotes, as nearly all of them will include spaces (most will be movie
titles, eg: 'Treasure Island (1972-G)' but that's a piddling thing.
use this: [['Treasure Island (1972-G)']]
I did have a closer look. ... A generic solution is a bit more
complicated, as I thought.
It would be possible to change the jsontiddlers.js macro, but we would
need to find a way to "temporarily" mark tiddlers for export, in a *nice
and generic way*.
But I don't have an easy to implement idea atm. .. There may be a
mechanism, that is similar to the import dialog, but for export. ...
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'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
2016-07-03 04:10:32 UTC
You can use a field like "exportme" with the value "yes" to select ones you
want to export. Then use a configuration tiddler like:


with value "hide" to hide the field from the average user.

You can write a <$list> with buttons that will let you quickly select items
you want to mark. If you can't I'm sure someone here less sleepy than me
can ;-)

Post by Zaphod Beeblebrox
Thank You for taking the time to investigate further :)
Your aforementioned solution will be more than satisfactory for my needs
until such time as Jeremy or one of the other "Guru's" comes along and
makes a ridiculously simple fix for the problem.
I took a cursory look at the javascript you linked to, but really can't do
anything with it. I can handle (most) HTML, (some) CSS, but anything
higher than that and I'm just a script-kiddie, making niggling changes here
and there.
I'm off now to tackle yet another problem: Flexbox divs in TiddlyWiki!
(wish me luck :-P )
Post by PMario
Post by Zaphod Beeblebrox
Thank You so much, Mario - That solution does indeed do the trick :)
It is a bit cumbersome, but I don't mind - I can simply copy & paste the
titles into a text file (or dummy tiddler) as I create each tiddler, then
format and copy the whole statement into the Advanced Search box when ready
to export my 'update' :)
The titles of the tiddlers (in my case) need to be enclosed in single
quotes, as nearly all of them will include spaces (most will be movie
titles, eg: 'Treasure Island (1972-G)' but that's a piddling thing.
use this: [['Treasure Island (1972-G)']]
I did have a closer look. ... A generic solution is a bit more
complicated, as I thought.
It would be possible to change the jsontiddlers.js macro, but we would
need to find a way to "temporarily" mark tiddlers for export, in a *nice
and generic way*.
But I don't have an easy to implement idea atm. .. There may be a
mechanism, that is similar to the import dialog, but for export. ...
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Zaphod Beeblebrox
2016-07-04 13:14:28 UTC
Thank You for this, Mark :)

I *almost* grasp the Field concept, and that would work to hide the label
from the user. Unfortunately, though, I haven't graduated to the point of
understanding $lists in TW, yet. I see much interesting discussion about
them, but I haven't had to delve into the nuts and bolts of the thing in my
use case, so far.

Post by 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
You can use a field like "exportme" with the value "yes" to select ones
with value "hide" to hide the field from the average user.
You can write a <$list> with buttons that will let you quickly select
items you want to mark. If you can't I'm sure someone here less sleepy than
me can ;-)
Post by Zaphod Beeblebrox
Thank You for taking the time to investigate further :)
Your aforementioned solution will be more than satisfactory for my needs
until such time as Jeremy or one of the other "Guru's" comes along and
makes a ridiculously simple fix for the problem.
I took a cursory look at the javascript you linked to, but really can't
do anything with it. I can handle (most) HTML, (some) CSS, but anything
higher than that and I'm just a script-kiddie, making niggling changes here
and there.
I'm off now to tackle yet another problem: Flexbox divs in TiddlyWiki!
(wish me luck :-P )
Post by PMario
Post by Zaphod Beeblebrox
Thank You so much, Mario - That solution does indeed do the trick :)
It is a bit cumbersome, but I don't mind - I can simply copy & paste
the titles into a text file (or dummy tiddler) as I create each tiddler,
then format and copy the whole statement into the Advanced Search box when
ready to export my 'update' :)
The titles of the tiddlers (in my case) need to be enclosed in single
quotes, as nearly all of them will include spaces (most will be movie
titles, eg: 'Treasure Island (1972-G)' but that's a piddling thing.
use this: [['Treasure Island (1972-G)']]
I did have a closer look. ... A generic solution is a bit more
complicated, as I thought.
It would be possible to change the jsontiddlers.js macro, but we would
need to find a way to "temporarily" mark tiddlers for export, in a *nice
and generic way*.
But I don't have an easy to implement idea atm. .. There may be a
mechanism, that is similar to the import dialog, but for export. ...
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'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
2016-07-04 19:37:25 UTC
Be sure to back up your files. This should allow you to put "yes" into an
"exportme" field. Just copy it into a tiddler. Warning -- If you have a lot
of tiddlers, the list might be long.

!! Select tiddlers for export
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers]!is[system]!is[shadow]sort[]]">
<tr><td><$view field=title/></td><td align=center> <$checkbox field=
"exportme" checked="yes" unchecked=""/></td>

Post by Zaphod Beeblebrox
Thank You for this, Mark :)
I *almost* grasp the Field concept, and that would work to hide the label
from the user. Unfortunately, though, I haven't graduated to the point of
understanding $lists in TW, yet. I see much interesting discussion about
them, but I haven't had to delve into the nuts and bolts of the thing in my
use case, so far.
Post by 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
You can use a field like "exportme" with the value "yes" to select ones
with value "hide" to hide the field from the average user.
You can write a <$list> with buttons that will let you quickly select
items you want to mark. If you can't I'm sure someone here less sleepy than
me can ;-)
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Zaphod Beeblebrox
2016-07-06 13:19:16 UTC
Well, Thank You, Mark! :)

Isn't it pretty? (gushes like a schoolgirl at the sight of all those little
checkboxes :-P )

That does the selection trick very nicely - Once checked the tiddlers
immediately appear in the SideBar under the current date, as being 'edited'
or 'updated'.

Now, what is the string that I'd put in the Advanced Search box to tag all
of them for export to .json?

The only 'improvement' I can think of would be to maybe narrow its scope
down with a date-specific filter, like the last 3 days, 7 days, etc., but
the whole date/time system in TW stymies me (I'd love to be able to *easily*
decipher/change the creation date of tiddlers)

Post by 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
Be sure to back up your files. This should allow you to put "yes" into an
"exportme" field. Just copy it into a tiddler. Warning -- If you have a lot
of tiddlers, the list might be long.
!! Select tiddlers for export
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers]!is[system]!is[shadow]sort[]]">
<tr><td><$view field=title/></td><td align=center> <$checkbox field=
"exportme" checked="yes" unchecked=""/></td>
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'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
2016-07-06 14:23:00 UTC
Try, in the advanced search filter tab:

Post by Zaphod Beeblebrox
Well, Thank You, Mark! :)
Isn't it pretty? (gushes like a schoolgirl at the sight of all those
little checkboxes :-P )
That does the selection trick very nicely - Once checked the tiddlers
immediately appear in the SideBar under the current date, as being 'edited'
or 'updated'.
Now, what is the string that I'd put in the Advanced Search box to tag all
of them for export to .json?
The only 'improvement' I can think of would be to maybe narrow its scope
down with a date-specific filter, like the last 3 days, 7 days, etc., but
the whole date/time system in TW stymies me (I'd love to be able to
*easily* decipher/change the creation date of tiddlers)
Post by 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
Be sure to back up your files. This should allow you to put "yes" into an
"exportme" field. Just copy it into a tiddler. Warning -- If you have a lot
of tiddlers, the list might be long.
!! Select tiddlers for export
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers]!is[system]!is[shadow]sort[]]">
<tr><td><$view field=title/></td><td align=center> <$checkbox field=
"exportme" checked="yes" unchecked=""/></td>
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Zaphod Beeblebrox
2016-07-07 20:29:15 UTC
I knew it would be that simple :-P (I have absolutely NO
experience/knowledge with $lists and such in TW...)

Thank You, Mark :)

Post by 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
Post by Zaphod Beeblebrox
Well, Thank You, Mark! :)
Isn't it pretty? (gushes like a schoolgirl at the sight of all those
little checkboxes :-P )
That does the selection trick very nicely - Once checked the tiddlers
immediately appear in the SideBar under the current date, as being 'edited'
or 'updated'.
Now, what is the string that I'd put in the Advanced Search box to tag
all of them for export to .json?
The only 'improvement' I can think of would be to maybe narrow its scope
down with a date-specific filter, like the last 3 days, 7 days, etc., but
the whole date/time system in TW stymies me (I'd love to be able to
*easily* decipher/change the creation date of tiddlers)
Post by 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
Be sure to back up your files. This should allow you to put "yes" into
an "exportme" field. Just copy it into a tiddler. Warning -- If you have a
lot of tiddlers, the list might be long.
!! Select tiddlers for export
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers]!is[system]!is[shadow]sort[]]">
<tr><td><$view field=title/></td><td align=center> <$checkbox field=
"exportme" checked="yes" unchecked=""/></td>
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2016-07-04 18:42:31 UTC
I made a little thing wich allows to export a chosen number of tiddlers
last modified by the current user as an html file.
(Not a jason-file as you intended, but it works the same way...)
My aim was also to make collaboration a bit more easy so I called it
Export for Teamwork.
I hope it helps for your usecase.
To make it work in the sidebar it was best to transclude it into another
tiddler tagged $:/tags/SideBar.
If you do not want it in the sidebar you can delete it.

Post by Zaphod Beeblebrox
I would like to make a TW available for download by folks, and then
send out 'updates' in the form of new tiddlers bundled in a .json file
that they can simply drag & drop into their TW.
I followed some instructions found here (can't find the post to link
*For those who are unaware of the standard method – this is my
1. Tag each of the tiddlers you wish to export with the tag 'Export'
2. Open the Filter tab of Advanced Search
3. Enter the filter expression '[tag[Export]]' (this should list
the tiddlers you wish to export)
4. Click the little 'Export tiddlers' button next to the filter
search box
5. Select 'JSON File'
6. Enter the name of your file, and save
7. Drag the saved file onto your other wiki
8. Import the tiddlers
9. If any of the tiddlers contained plugins, save and refresh*
This method works great, but when those tiddlers are subsequently
imported into the users' TW, the "Export" tag remains and I'd rather
not have that happen.
Isn't there a way (a macro, maybe?) that would enable you to see a
list of all the tiddlers in your TW and pick and choose the one(s) to
export by simply clicking a checkbox next to their title?
And, as a secondary question/problem I have, could I force the
newly-imported tiddlers to open in an expanded position immediately
after importation into the users' TW?
(I'm assuming there's no possibility of overwriting the *Default
tiddlers* section of the users' Control Panel, so that those newly
imported tiddlers would be the first thing seen upon a reload?)
Thank You in advance for any help :)
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Zaphod Beeblebrox
2016-07-06 13:08:34 UTC
Thank You, Jan, but I'm not quite sure what it is...?

I downloaded it, but upon bringing it up in either Firefox or Chrome, all I
get is a blank white page.

Post by Jan
I made a little thing wich allows to export a chosen number of tiddlers
last modified by the current user as an html file.
(Not a jason-file as you intended, but it works the same way...)
My aim was also to make collaboration a bit more easy so I called it
Export for Teamwork.
I hope it helps for your usecase.
To make it work in the sidebar it was best to transclude it into another
tiddler tagged $:/tags/SideBar.
If you do not want it in the sidebar you can delete it.
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2016-07-06 13:59:57 UTC
Hi Zaphod,
The html contains the exported tiddlers. Drag it onto a Tiddlywiki to
import and test it.
I t installs an exporter in a sidebar tab which exports a chosen number
of tiddlers ( again in html format...) which can then be dragged to
other Tws...
Cheers Jan.
Post by Zaphod Beeblebrox
Thank You, Jan, but I'm not quite sure what it is...?
I downloaded it, but upon bringing it up in either Firefox or Chrome,
all I get is a blank white page.
I made a little thing wich allows to export a chosen number of
tiddlers last modified by the current user as an html file.
(Not a jason-file as you intended, but it works the same way...)
My aim was also to make collaboration a bit more easy so I called
it Export for Teamwork.
I hope it helps for your usecase.
To make it work in the sidebar it was best to transclude it into
another tiddler tagged $:/tags/SideBar.
If you do not want it in the sidebar you can delete it.
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Zaphod Beeblebrox
2016-07-06 14:22:32 UTC
Ah, I see, now - I tried dragging the link from here onto the TW, but never
got the Import ribbon...

Very clean and smooth - Thank You :)

Is there a way to have it export to .json, though? I'm afraid that some of
my less technically-inclined users would (do what I just did :-P ) try to
bring up the .html file in their browser, instead of importing it.

Post by Jan
Hi Zaphod,
The html contains the exported tiddlers. Drag it onto a Tiddlywiki to
import and test it.
I t installs an exporter in a sidebar tab which exports a chosen number of
tiddlers ( again in html format...) which can then be dragged to other
Cheers Jan.
Thank You, Jan, but I'm not quite sure what it is...?
I downloaded it, but upon bringing it up in either Firefox or Chrome, all
I get is a blank white page.
Post by Jan
I made a little thing wich allows to export a chosen number of tiddlers
last modified by the current user as an html file.
(Not a jason-file as you intended, but it works the same way...)
My aim was also to make collaboration a bit more easy so I called it
Export for Teamwork.
I hope it helps for your usecase.
To make it work in the sidebar it was best to transclude it into another
tiddler tagged $:/tags/SideBar.
If you do not want it in the sidebar you can delete it.
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2016-07-06 14:35:00 UTC
Hi Zaphod,
This is a question for the Wizards...and a very useful modification.
Perhaps we put it up in the forum as a new Topic.
If anyone more skilled reads this,
What is the syntax to export Tiddlers with the download-message to
something else than .html?

Cheers Jan
Post by Zaphod Beeblebrox
Ah, I see, now - I tried dragging the link from here onto the TW, but
never got the Import ribbon...
Very clean and smooth - Thank You :)
Is there a way to have it export to .json, though? I'm afraid that
some of my less technically-inclined users would (do what I just did
:-P ) try to bring up the .html file in their browser, instead of
importing it.
Hi Zaphod,
The html contains the exported tiddlers. Drag it onto a Tiddlywiki
to import and test it.
I t installs an exporter in a sidebar tab which exports a chosen
number of tiddlers ( again in html format...) which can then be
dragged to other Tws...
Cheers Jan.
Post by Zaphod Beeblebrox
Thank You, Jan, but I'm not quite sure what it is...?
I downloaded it, but upon bringing it up in either Firefox or
Chrome, all I get is a blank white page.
I made a little thing wich allows to export a chosen number
of tiddlers last modified by the current user as an html file.
(Not a jason-file as you intended, but it works the same way...)
My aim was also to make collaboration a bit more easy so I
called it Export for Teamwork.
I hope it helps for your usecase.
To make it work in the sidebar it was best to transclude it
into another tiddler tagged $:/tags/SideBar.
If you do not want it in the sidebar you can delete it.
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2016-07-06 20:02:34 UTC
there are some macros for exporting to json.
they include the exportbutton icon.

they require a filter as parameter to specify the tiddlers you want to export. the filter for a single tiddler is created with another macro to surround the tiddler title with [[]].

it also requires a lingoBase parameter

and a baseFilename

search for exportbu in advanced search tab shadow tiddlers

you are probably looking for macros/export which contains a action sendmessage tm-download...

it is not easy to convert into something else, there is a lot of dependencies embedded in download.js

(for my specific implementation I had to modify download.js as well, auto datetime signing name added filename from tiddler without url encoding for local file names, exporting story river to json ..)

hope this helps a little
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2016-07-06 21:44:20 UTC
Hi Wimm!
Exporting the Storyriver to .json sounds seductive. I would be happy if
you could post this.
The construction is the following, is there an additional expression for
the exportbutton() to make it export a json-file

\define download-param()
\define saveTiddlerFilter() $(var-user-filter)$ +[sort[title]]

\define savingEmpty() yes


\define templatebutton()
<$button set="$:/temp/SaveMyNewTiddlersTemplate"
setTo=<<download-param>> to={{!!title}}>{{!!limit}}</$button>

\define userexport()

\define exportbutton() <$button message="tm-download-file"
param="$:/temp/SaveMyNewTiddlersTemplate" title="Export">Die neuesten
{{!!limit}} Einträge von {{$:/status/UserName}} exportieren</$button>

<$set name="exportnum" value={{!!limit}}>
<$set name="exportuser" value={{$:/status/UserName}}><br>
<$set name="var-user-filter" value=<<userexport>> >
<span title="Wieviele"><$edit-text tag="input" field="limit"
<$set name="exportnum" value={{!!limit}}>
<span title="Wer"><$edit-text tiddler="$:/status/UserName" tag="input"
<$set name="exportnum" value={{!!limit}}>
<$set name="exportuser" value={{$:/status/UserName}}><br>
<$list filter=<<userexport>> ><br><<currentTiddler>></$list>

cheers Jan
Post by wimm
there are some macros for exporting to json.
they include the exportbutton icon.
they require a filter as parameter to specify the tiddlers you want to export. the filter for a single tiddler is created with another macro to surround the tiddler title with [[]].
it also requires a lingoBase parameter
and a baseFilename
search for exportbu in advanced search tab shadow tiddlers
you are probably looking for macros/export which contains a action sendmessage tm-download...
it is not easy to convert into something else, there is a lot of dependencies embedded in download.js
(for my specific implementation I had to modify download.js as well, auto datetime signing name added filename from tiddler without url encoding for local file names, exporting story river to json ..)
hope this helps a little
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'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
2016-07-06 21:44:28 UTC
If you go into the filter tab under "advanced search" and enter a valid
filter, a little export (up arrow) icon will appear next to the search box.
Look closely -- it can be very hard to see. Click on that and you will be
offered the chance to download a csv file, an html file, a json file, or a
tiddler file.

Unfortunately, if you choose to download as tiddlers, only ONE of the
target tiddlers will be exported.

Post by Jan
Hi Zaphod,
This is a question for the Wizards...and a very useful modification.
Perhaps we put it up in the forum as a new Topic.
If anyone more skilled reads this,
What is the syntax to export Tiddlers with the download-message to
something else than .html?
Cheers Jan
Ah, I see, now - I tried dragging the link from here onto the TW, but
never got the Import ribbon...
Very clean and smooth - Thank You :)
Is there a way to have it export to .json, though? I'm afraid that some of
my less technically-inclined users would (do what I just did :-P ) try to
bring up the .html file in their browser, instead of importing it.
Post by Jan
Hi Zaphod,
The html contains the exported tiddlers. Drag it onto a Tiddlywiki to
import and test it.
I t installs an exporter in a sidebar tab which exports a chosen number
of tiddlers ( again in html format...) which can then be dragged to other
Cheers Jan.
Thank You, Jan, but I'm not quite sure what it is...?
I downloaded it, but upon bringing it up in either Firefox or Chrome, all
I get is a blank white page.
Post by Jan
I made a little thing wich allows to export a chosen number of tiddlers
last modified by the current user as an html file.
(Not a jason-file as you intended, but it works the same way...)
My aim was also to make collaboration a bit more easy so I called it
Export for Teamwork.
I hope it helps for your usecase.
To make it work in the sidebar it was best to transclude it into another
tiddler tagged $:/tags/SideBar.
If you do not want it in the sidebar you can delete it.
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2016-07-06 22:21:46 UTC
Hi Zaphod,
I made a new version with the exportbutton. It is all so easy if you
know the correct spell. I renamed the tiddlers to avoid that they export
Post by 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
If you go into the filter tab under "advanced search" and enter a
valid filter, a little export (up arrow) icon will appear next to the
search box. Look closely -- it can be very hard to see. Click on that
and you will be offered the chance to download a csv file, an html
file, a json file, or a tiddler file.
Unfortunately, if you choose to download as tiddlers, only ONE of the
target tiddlers will be exported.
Hi Zaphod,
This is a question for the Wizards...and a very useful modification.
Perhaps we put it up in the forum as a new Topic.
If anyone more skilled reads this,
What is the syntax to export Tiddlers with the download-message to
something else than .html?
Cheers Jan
Post by Zaphod Beeblebrox
Ah, I see, now - I tried dragging the link from here onto the TW,
but never got the Import ribbon...
Very clean and smooth - Thank You :)
Is there a way to have it export to .json, though? I'm afraid
that some of my less technically-inclined users would (do what I
just did :-P ) try to bring up the .html file in their browser,
instead of importing it.
Hi Zaphod,
The html contains the exported tiddlers. Drag it onto a
Tiddlywiki to import and test it.
I t installs an exporter in a sidebar tab which exports a
chosen number of tiddlers ( again in html format...) which
can then be dragged to other Tws...
Cheers Jan.
Post by Zaphod Beeblebrox
Thank You, Jan, but I'm not quite sure what it is...?
I downloaded it, but upon bringing it up in either Firefox
or Chrome, all I get is a blank white page.
I made a little thing wich allows to export a chosen
number of tiddlers last modified by the current user as
an html file.
(Not a jason-file as you intended, but it works the same
My aim was also to make collaboration a bit more easy so
I called it Export for Teamwork.
I hope it helps for your usecase.
To make it work in the sidebar it was best to transclude
it into another tiddler tagged $:/tags/SideBar.
If you do not want it in the sidebar you can delete it.
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Zaphod Beeblebrox
2016-07-07 20:44:59 UTC
Well, that works slicker than snot on a doorknob!

And even with the ability to input how many tiddlers you'd like to export :)

Thank You, Sir :)

Post by Jan
Hi Zaphod,
I made a new version with the exportbutton. It is all so easy if you know
the correct spell. I renamed the tiddlers to avoid that they export
If you go into the filter tab under "advanced search" and enter a valid
filter, a little export (up arrow) icon will appear next to the search box.
Look closely -- it can be very hard to see. Click on that and you will be
offered the chance to download a csv file, an html file, a json file, or a
tiddler file.
Unfortunately, if you choose to download as tiddlers, only ONE of the
target tiddlers will be exported.
Post by Jan
Hi Zaphod,
This is a question for the Wizards...and a very useful modification.
Perhaps we put it up in the forum as a new Topic.
If anyone more skilled reads this,
What is the syntax to export Tiddlers with the download-message to
something else than .html?
Cheers Jan
Ah, I see, now - I tried dragging the link from here onto the TW, but
never got the Import ribbon...
Very clean and smooth - Thank You :)
Is there a way to have it export to .json, though? I'm afraid that some
of my less technically-inclined users would (do what I just did :-P ) try
to bring up the .html file in their browser, instead of importing it.
Post by Jan
Hi Zaphod,
The html contains the exported tiddlers. Drag it onto a Tiddlywiki to
import and test it.
I t installs an exporter in a sidebar tab which exports a chosen number
of tiddlers ( again in html format...) which can then be dragged to other
Cheers Jan.
Thank You, Jan, but I'm not quite sure what it is...?
I downloaded it, but upon bringing it up in either Firefox or Chrome,
all I get is a blank white page.
Post by Jan
I made a little thing wich allows to export a chosen number of tiddlers
last modified by the current user as an html file.
(Not a jason-file as you intended, but it works the same way...)
My aim was also to make collaboration a bit more easy so I called it
Export for Teamwork.
I hope it helps for your usecase.
To make it work in the sidebar it was best to transclude it into
another tiddler tagged $:/tags/SideBar.
If you do not want it in the sidebar you can delete it.
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2016-07-08 08:12:03 UTC

tiddler code to export StoryList (story river) to json

J[*^*] + count of tiddlers in the river

<span title="export open / story river tiddlers"><$macrocall
$name="exportButtonJSON" exportFilter="[list[$:/StoryList]]"
lingoBase=""/>^^<$count filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]"/>^^ </span>

tiddler for the export macro including the necessary tag is attached. (BTW
lingo tiddlers are not available)

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2016-07-08 08:27:58 UTC
this tiddler will add a filter for exporting storylist storyriver in the
the advanced search tiddler
however it exports only the first tiddler when using json export
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'Birthe C' via TiddlyWiki
2016-07-08 09:40:06 UTC
Hi Wimm,

Testing this I get all the story tiddlers + your filter tiddler and

Post by wimm
this tiddler will add a filter for exporting storylist storyriver in the
the advanced search tiddler
however it exports only the first tiddler when using json export
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2016-07-08 11:10:38 UTC

which of the two are you referring to?

1) for the exportbutton J[*^*] story river to json
it is best to call it from a menu tab in the sidebar (like the open
tab), or at a tag $:/tags/SideBar or $:/tags/MoreSideBar to the tiddler,
and a caption field for the name on the new tab.

2) just the filter,
if those tiddlers are in the story river they are also exported to e.g.

if you want to exclude $:/advancedsearch (which is in the story river when
you select the filter)

you can replace

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'Birthe C' via TiddlyWiki
2016-07-08 13:09:12 UTC
Hi WiM,

Thank you! I had testet the filter. It is of course working nicely now ;-).

Post by wimm
which of the two are you referring to?
1) for the exportbutton J[*^*] story river to json
it is best to call it from a menu tab in the sidebar (like the open
tab), or at a tag $:/tags/SideBar or $:/tags/MoreSideBar to the
tiddler, and a caption field for the name on the new tab.
2) just the filter,
if those tiddlers are in the story river they are also exported to e.g.
if you want to exclude $:/advancedsearch (which is in the story river when
you select the filter)
you can replace
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2016-07-09 03:40:51 UTC
Zaphod, I like your idea to open the new tiddlers when you import an
update. To automatically fill $:/DefaultTiddler from the story river you
could use

<$button><$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers" field="text"
text={{$:/StoryList!!list}}/>init $:/DefaultTiddlers with all tiddlers in
story river</$button>

I've added this button to my sidebar in the Open tiddlers tab. Mayb later
I'll add it to the icons tags/pagecontrol, but then I'll have to design an
svg icon. We'll see

Or you can use a tiddler to generate the links all surrounded with double
square brackets
<$list filter="your filter"><$text text="[["/><$view field="title"/><$text

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Zaphod Beeblebrox
2016-07-10 19:44:37 UTC
Well, that is very handy indeed, WiM! - Thank You :)

Post by wimm
Zaphod, I like your idea to open the new tiddlers when you import an
update. To automatically fill $:/DefaultTiddler from the story river you
could use
<$button><$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers" field="text"
text={{$:/StoryList!!list}}/>init $:/DefaultTiddlers with all tiddlers in
story river</$button>
I've added this button to my sidebar in the Open tiddlers tab. Mayb later
I'll add it to the icons tags/pagecontrol, but then I'll have to design an
svg icon. We'll see
Or you can use a tiddler to generate the links all surrounded with double
square brackets
<$list filter="your filter"><$text text="[["/><$view field="title"/><$text
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Zaphod Beeblebrox
2016-07-06 14:09:10 UTC
Answering my own question, here :-P

Thought I'd throw it out there, for any folks who might also be looking for
a solution.

In my use case, I want to distribute an 'update' to my users in the form of
a .json-bundled pack of tiddlers, but would like those new tiddlers to open
in an expanded state immediately upon them reloading their TW. One way to
do this is to override the Default Tiddlers section of the Control Panel
and insert a list of the updated tiddlers we're adding.

I simply created a tiddler titled *$:/DefaultTiddlers* and listed the
titles of each new tiddler (one per line, and remembering to enclose within
brackets any titles that contained spaces). This replaces any tiddlers
that might have been there before, and is the same as if you'd gone into
Control Panel and manually added them yourself.

Post by Zaphod Beeblebrox
And, as a secondary question/problem I have, could I force the
newly-imported tiddlers to open in an expanded position immediately after
importation into the users' TW?
(I'm assuming there's no possibility of overwriting the *Default tiddlers*
section of the users' Control Panel, so that those newly imported tiddlers
would be the first thing seen upon a reload?)
Thank You in advance for any help :)
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2016-07-12 21:53:13 UTC
Dear Exporters...
I made a new Version of the export-Tool implementing Wimm's Idea to
export the storylist and my little tool to export the chosen number of
tiddlers last modified by the current user.
They are both packed in the tabs of a SidebarTabExporter, you find it in
the attached Json.
I had some problems adding a third way of exporting:
Opening all Tiddlers tagged by a chosen tag in the storyriver...to
control and then export them with the Storylist exporter...
So...How do you do set the story to all tiddlers containing a secific
tag entered in an inputfield while closing the others? Any Ideas...?
For everyone who just wants to use the plugin: Import and then delete
$:/macros/Exporter/Story Experiment
evrything else is working...
There is on other issue: You have to type really slow in the
Input-fields, because otherwise the focus jumps away. Is there a cure
for that behaviour?

Cheers jan
Post by Zaphod Beeblebrox
I would like to make a TW available for download by folks, and then
send out 'updates' in the form of new tiddlers bundled in a .json file
that they can simply drag & drop into their TW.
I followed some instructions found here (can't find the post to link
*For those who are unaware of the standard method – this is my
1. Tag each of the tiddlers you wish to export with the tag 'Export'
2. Open the Filter tab of Advanced Search
3. Enter the filter expression '[tag[Export]]' (this should list
the tiddlers you wish to export)
4. Click the little 'Export tiddlers' button next to the filter
search box
5. Select 'JSON File'
6. Enter the name of your file, and save
7. Drag the saved file onto your other wiki
8. Import the tiddlers
9. If any of the tiddlers contained plugins, save and refresh*
This method works great, but when those tiddlers are subsequently
imported into the users' TW, the "Export" tag remains and I'd rather
not have that happen.
Isn't there a way (a macro, maybe?) that would enable you to see a
list of all the tiddlers in your TW and pick and choose the one(s) to
export by simply clicking a checkbox next to their title?
And, as a secondary question/problem I have, could I force the
newly-imported tiddlers to open in an expanded position immediately
after importation into the users' TW?
(I'm assuming there's no possibility of overwriting the *Default
tiddlers* section of the users' Control Panel, so that those newly
imported tiddlers would be the first thing seen upon a reload?)
Thank You in advance for any help :)
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Search results for '[tw] Exporting a list of tiddlers' (Questions and Answers)
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